Lenox Hill is a Netflix documentary following the fascinating journey of two Neurosurgeons, Dr. John Boockvar and Dr. David Langer. We were absolutely privileged to host Dr. John Boockvar from Lenox Hill Neurosurgery on this live Q+A. We talk research, clinical practice, grit flow and emotional intelligence.
Contusion – traumatic brain injury explained
A brain contusion is a bruise of the brain’s surface which damages the brain tissue. A contusion can lead to all sorts of symptoms and have various different ways of being treated. In this video we cover what a contusion is, how it’s diagnosed, some treatment options and what to expect during recovery. This video […]
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)
Spinal Cord Injury involves temporary or permanent damage to the spinal cord, part of the central nervous system that runs down the middle of the spinal column. The spinal cord carries information from the periphery to the brain and back, and damage to it can result in loss of sensation and both voluntary and involuntary function […]
Brain Penetrating Injuries
Written by Alexandre Dontschev Brain Penetrating Injuries (BPI) are the most life-threatening form of brain injuries. Such injuries are characterized by their velocity. High velocity penetration, as you might imagine, is mainly by firearm or shockwave, whereas low-velocity penetration tends to occur commonly using a knife or some other sharp object. They are a significant […]
Spinal Cord Injury – Diagnosis, Treatment, Recovery
Spinal cord injury affects around 250-500,000 people around the world, ever year. The term spinal cord injury refers to damage to the spinal cord resulting from trauma (e.g. a car crash) or from disease (tumours) or degeneration (wear and tear). This spinal cord injury video is aimed and patients and the public who want to […]